Corporate Social Responsibility and Mkango
Mkango Resources is committed to working in a socially and environmentally responsible manner and maintains a dialogue with regional and national authorities, as well as broader stakeholders to ensure social best practice. Mkango also works in a proactive way on environmental management.
Mkango is working according to the Equator Principles, International Finance Corporation (IFC) Performance Standards as well as specific requirements and interpretations of Malawian Legislation as provided by their Department of Environmental Affairs (DES).

Supporting 3 local primary schools
Mkango has donated educational and sporting equipment to three local primary schools: Changa, Mphenbezu, and Mangadzi.
24 classrooms refurbished
The school syllabus has been decorated and will be maintained on the walls of the schools in 24 classrooms, working in collaboration with a local NGO, boNGO Worldwide.
24 school scholarships
A Secondary School scholarship programme has been developed to support 12 girls and 12 boys attend secondary school. Full secondary school fees have been paid for the highest academically achieving girls and boys from the three local primary schools: Changa, Mphenbezu, and Mangadzi.
2,500 children fed daily
Mkango funded the construction of two kitchens and four dining rooms at Changa and Mphenbezu Primary Schools in partnership with Zero Hunger With Langar. These kitchens now provide 1 meal a day to approximately 2,500 children.
Mkango invests in education, making meaningful positive impacts for the local communities. By investing in education and understanding the challenges for the region, Mkango has supported the long-term development of Phalombe.
Employment and Training
We employ people from the local area whenever possible. The personnel employed from the local community on Mkango's operations include fieldwork assistants, road construction labourers, construction specialists, and on-site security guards.
We are determined to maximise the potential of the local community by supporting skill development in the mining sector. Malawian graduate geologists, graduate mining engineers, technicians as well as local people at the Songwe Hill project have received training to become drill rig helpers, geological assistants, chefs and cleaners.
Mkango also hosted a visit by 4th year geology students from Chancellor College, University of Malawi and students from Malawi University of Science and Technology.
Regional Development & Support
Mkango has assisted with the development of infrastructure in the Phalombe district. Three bridges have been built and nine existing bridges have been refurbished, helping the local community. The local road network has been re-graded and extended. This work facilitates the connection of the district's primary schools.
Access to water has been improved by the installation of new water monitoring boreholes and water pumps, benefiting communities surrounding the monitored areas. Mkango has also restored an additional 15 water pumps and boreholes in the same area.
In 2015 Malawi received unprecedented amounts of rainfall. The Phalombe district and areas surrounding Songwe Hill were hit by floods which resulted in the loss of property, livestock and foodstuffs. Mkango assisted the surrounding villages (470 households), donating various items worth MWK 6.2 million. The items included maize flour, blankets, plastic sheets, buckets, plastic cups and plates. The three primary schools in the area also received 3,000 exercise books and pencils.
Again in December 2018, after heavy rainfall, Mkango assisted with the donation of 60 rolls of plastic sheeting to assist with the waterproofing of damaged structures.
Mkango is committed to conducting all activities in an environmentally responsible manner and remains committed to always working within local regulatory requirements as well as international best practice principles. The application of the International Finance Corporation’s (IFC) performance standards form the framework of environmental management for the company.
Being committed to understanding the surrounding environment in which Mkango operates, thorough baseline environmental and social studies are undertaken to investigate any environmental and social sensitivities which may be affected by Mkango operations. These studies include biodiversity, hydrological, geohydrological, air quality, social, health and heritage studies. At the Songwe Hill project, dust fallout monitoring has been taken place since 2013 and a meteorological station which records realtime weather data has been installed.
When conducting environmentally baseline studies, we rely heavily on local specialists who have local knowledge in their respective fields as to ensure successful recording of any potentially sensitive features. All baseline environmental studies are incorporated into relevant assessments and impacts mitigated to within acceptable and legal limits.
Mkango is actively engaged with our local communities and invest in community-based initiatives to support sustainable development in the region.
Our social responsibility commitments include: